DT Gold Medal Award
for Most Outstanding Contribution to the Toolbox

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previous recipients:
v4.1: WorldSat International

v4.2: cmapdoctor


We are pleased to announce the Gold Medal Award for the v6.1 DT:

CDio: CD software for reading and writing audio data
as well as creating efs and iso9660 formatted CDs

by Carsten Koch

Carsten's contribution greatly extends the software we are able to provide for manipulating CD data. CDio is composed of two programs, ReadCD and WriteCDR. ReadCD is able to read audio and data tracks off a CD and optionally write them to files and/or play the audio tracks via the audio hardware. WriteCDR, the writer driver, creates a single session, single track data CD-R in either efs or iso9660 format from file system image files as well as a single session, mutiple track audio CD-R from AIFC files.
The janitor is very pleased to be able to provide the source code implementing such functionality for the reading and writing of CD data. We view such software as precisely the sort of "learn-by-example" "boiler plate" source we are always seeking to add to the Toolbox for use by all our developers. This contribution is precisely why the Gold Medal award was initially created. Namely, high-lighting something noteworthy and calling attention anew to our interest in actively collaborating with all of you.
We hope and urge anyone who extends this software, or who determines ways to increase its reliability and robustness, will please contact DTjanitor@sgi.com and share will us the additions/enhancements/changes made so we can integrate these back into the Toolbox source tree and then provide the same to all developers. This is the essence of the sort of collaboration we hope will continue to manifest with ongoing benefits for all us of participating in and partaking of the world of the DT.
We would like to include a few "testimonials" to this software from people who work for SGI in Europe:

To reiterate just what this Gold Medal recognition is based upon, we quote from what was written back in v4.2:

to be a little more concrete here about the Gold Medal, some of the janitor's general guidelines for such an award are: